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Writer's pictureDavid Osterczy

Unashamedly Human: Proudly and Loudly Owning Our Flaws

In the chaotic symphony of life, where everyone seems to be strumming the same old tune, there's something profoundly radical about standing tall and proclaiming, "My purpose is to be 100% me, flaws and all." This isn’t just a statement; it’s a battle cry, a dare to the universe to take you as you are—warts, wrinkles, wounds, farts, tarts, smarts, and wonderfully wondrous quirks.


What is your purpose?


Let's face it: we’re all a bit of a mess. Shakespeare himself penned that men are "Summer's lease hath all too short a date," hinting that we're beautifully ephemeral and gloriously imperfect. Or as Oscar Wilde so eloquently quipped, "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." So why do we squander our precious, fleeting moments airbrushing our souls to fit into molds that simply weren't meant for us?

Picture a world of immaculate perfection—a grim, sterile nightmare worthy of Orwell, where no one fumbles, stumbles, or heaven forbid, laughs while snorting. One of my best first dates ever was with a girl who snorted while laughing and when I called her on it we both laughed so much that the entire restaurant laughed with us. It was EPIC!

 It’s our quirks, our missteps, our delightful deviations from the script that make life richly textured and poignantly human. Each mispronounced word, each ill-timed laugh, adds a brushstroke to the vibrant masterpiece that is you.

And here’s the astonishing secret: your perceived flaws are the seeds of your magnificence. They're your internal compass, guiding you towards a life that’s authentically yours, a life that no one else can replicate. The beauty of a purpose-driven existence isn’t found in flawlessness but in the full-hearted embrace of our beautiful chaos. The most successful people have huge flaws that they turn into their greatest assets. And their fans love them for their humanity, and honesty.

So, what’s your purpose? Is it to heal hearts or break them and then help pick up the pieces? To scribble madly and joyfully outside the lines? To belt out tunes with a voice that sends cats into hiding but fills your spirit to bursting?


Don’t reflect on what the world wants you to be but what your soul yearns to express. We are ephemeral beings in a mad, magnificent dance. Our flaws make the dance interesting; our authenticity gives it meaning.

Yeah baby!

Your purpose isn't to be perfect—far from it. It’s to be vibrantly, unashamedly, exuberantly yourself. Dare to be brilliantly flawed, because in that imperfection lies your truest beauty.


Now go, be yourself. The world might just thank you for it.

I know I will!


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Joe Rey
Joe Rey
Sep 29, 2024

Right On Oz, Great 1st Post! Highly Motivating & stunning ART you CREATE!

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