Shout to IPaintCreatures for making the first Yokai creature in a wheelchair and showing diversity in his art #disabilityawareness #happydisabilitypridemonth
General @ipaintcreatures <<follow on all social media Google that name
at wrote a piece and the title is Alphabet Rise
Lemonade said I’m going sing with my wireless lemon drops my wheelchair (which is a tUtuSagami this fonk way of spelling it) it would say couple lines and I the fonk would fart my way through it
Here’s a little of it
Alphabet Rise
“Remember that Love always clear way easing the mishaps of any day and let the music play”
this may be a fable or foley but it has the Aroma of a great fart. to a beginning of……….
@funkyipuppets on instagram and Twitter
BE on the look for #ipaintcreatures the #funkyipuppets
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#disabilitypride #disabled #yokai #spokenword #spokenwordpoetry #love #fonkfip #lemonadefip #fonkwheelchairfip #newJapanesefolklore
Happy Dissability Pride Month 2 U Quincey!