organization was born when one Memphis father was left to raise his two daughters, after their mother passed away. The father had to teach his daughters how to cook, clean, do their hair, sit with their legs crossed... all of the things that a mother should do. Through positivity and perseverance, those girls went on to live a prosperous life, irregardless of the deck being stacked against them. Because there was little support for the father and the children in our area, we decided to answer the call to action.
Please Consider Any Small Donation or Volunteerism. Your contributions are tax deductible and aid children in need of a REAL FATHERS SUPPORT.
rBeatz Radio is a collaboration of global sounds, styles, and artists who are all driven towards developing a culture of melodies, harmonies, rhythms, beats, lyrics, vocals, etc. that embody all the sounds of today.
Explore the world of music with rBeatz Radio’s Jess as the Number One Host for music industry highlights. rBeatz interviews independent artists, Songwriters, Keynote Performers, Music Educators, rappers, even tips on gigging, touring and representation. You name it! If it is a part of the music industry, rBeatz “Local Music Somewhere” is the show for you!
Join us for engaging & educational interviews rBartz Radio’s “LOCAL MUSIC SOMEWHERE” is a fun and inspiring experience!